Severe vitamin deficiencies in pregnancy complicated by progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasisAmanda Caroline Mahle, Bernard David Morris, Zane Frazer, Christopher Novak
10 March 2021
Remission of long-standing livedoid vasculopathy using a whole foods plant-based diet with symptoms recurrent on re-challenge with standard Western dietMorgen Smith, Nicholas Wright, Patrick McHugh, Bruce Duncan
23 February 2021
Unusual cause of congenital hypothyroidism in a term infantHester Vlaardingerbroek
19 February 2021
Primary laparoscopic repair of perforating fishbone injury of the small bowelMohamad Zeina, Michael Bath, Georgios Kakaniaris, Pasquale Giordano
4 February 2021
Myeloradiculoneuropathy due to vitamin B deficiency: an unusual clinical and radiological presentationShambaditya Das, Souvik Dubey, Alak Pandit, Biman Kanti Ray
25 January 2021
Comprehensive care of a patient with obesity of BMI >70 kg/mShaila Kabir, ABM Tofazzal Hossain, Sadia Choudhury Shimmi, Choo Si Jie
28 December 2020
Scurvy presenting as lower limb ecchymoses in the setting of metastatic colorectal cancerJoshua M Inglis, Jia Tan
18 December 2020
Internal herniation during pregnancy after banded Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a unique locationDaniëlle Susan Bonouvrie, Evert-Jan Boerma, Francois M H van Dielen, Wouter K G Leclercq
9 December 2020
Diet-induced oxalate nephropathy from excessive nut and seed consumptionVictoria Garland, Leal Herlitz, Renu Regunathan-Shenk
30 November 2020
Fatal Lactobacillus endocarditis in a patient with transcatheter aortic valve replacementSaaket Agrawal, Emily S Tuchman, Matthew J Bruce, Maria E Theodorou
30 November 2020