Nutritional neuropathy postoesophagogastrectomyPaul Ryan, Peter Kinirons
26 May 2021
Autoimmune gastritis concomitant with gastric adenoma and subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cordMasahiro Taniguchi, Gota Sudo, Yuzufumi Sekiguchi, Hiroshi Nakase
11 May 2021
Anastomotic fistula after emergency enterectomy for retrograde intussusception after gastric bypassAndre Lazaro, João Simões, Ana Valente da Costa, Luis Ventura
11 May 2021
Right paraduodenal hernia with extensive bowel gangrene treated with staged surgery: a Bogota bag followed by resection in a low-resource settingVijay Anand Ismavel, Moloti Kichu, David Paul Hechhula, Rebecca Yanadi
28 April 2021
Hyperregenerative macrocytic anaemia: the role of copper and zincPatrick Hofmann, Claudia Buetikofer, Esther Bächli
14 April 2021
Use of hyperbaric oxygenation as an adjunctive treatment for severe pernicious anaemia in a bloodless medicine patientKelly Johnson-Arbor, Richard Verstraete
12 April 2021
Growth failure and metabolic acidosis due to total body sodium depletion in an infant with an ileostomyChristina Marie Zarraga, Stephen Mark Borowitz
25 March 2021
Premature thelarche in an infant girl with failure to thrive related to dietary soy exposureSerena Su Ying Chang, Nandhakumar Nagarajan, Joanne Mui Ching Tan
23 March 2021
Case of hypoactive delirium precipitated by thiamine deficiencyTiffany Truong, Fredrick Hetzel, Katherine M Stiff, Muhammad Ghazanfar Husnain
17 March 2021
Inhaled nitrous oxide-induced functional B deficiencyYorissa Padayachee, Chris Richards, Owen Morgan
15 March 2021