Excision of a massive lipoma of the thigh following extensive weight loss and bariatric surgeryStuart McIntosh, Joshua Agilinko, Kaz Rahman
29 June 2020
Long-term hypervitaminosis D-induced hypercalcaemia treated with glucocorticoids and bisphosphonatesChase C Houghton, Susie Q Lew
29 April 2020
When thyroid labs do not add up, physicians should ask patients about biotin supplementsMichael S Lundin, Ahmad Alratroot, Fawzi Abu Rous, Saleh Aldasouqi
31 March 2020
Subacute combined degeneration: a case of pernicious anaemia without haematological manifestationsMatthew R Lavoie, Nicolette C Cohen, Timothy A Gregory, Peter V Weber
24 March 2020
Intradialytic parenteral nutrition improves nutritional status in a complex cystic fibrosis patient with redo double lung transplant and end-stage renal diseaseTahlia Melville, Katie Vardy, Lucy Milliner, Rebecca Angus
19 March 2020
Now you C me: a case of scurvy presenting as depression and anaemiaIn Sun Na, Kevin Nguyen, Bradley Potenzi, Minz Cheah
4 March 2020
Inability to close mouth and dysphagia caused by pseudobulbar palsy: trial treatment by vibration-induced mastication-like movementMasanori Nagaoka, Hiromasa Suzuki, Kazuhiro Kanayama, Yuko Ozone
30 December 2019
Plant-based dietary approach to stage 3 chronic kidney disease with hyperphosphataemiaThomas M Campbell, Scott E Liebman
23 December 2019
Successful management of ultra short bowel syndrome in an elderly patientCathal Hayes, Waqar Khan, Kevin Barry
11 December 2019
Hypotension: an unusual presentation of vitamin B deficiency, with complete recovery following cyanocobalamin therapyZohaib Yousaf, Almurtada Razok, Abdel-Naser Elzouki, Taher Sabobeh
5 December 2019