Oculomotor nerve palsy as an extraintestinal manifestation of Crohn’s diseaseMarianna Papadopoulou, Sofia Tzortsou, Ioanna Chatzi, Christos Baltogiannis
18 May 2023
Luetic (syphilitic) hepatitis: the great imitator persists in the 21st centuryDaniel Mullally, Sreelakshmi Kotha, Mandour Omar Mandour, Philip Berry
9 May 2023
Antesternal colonic interpositionVikas Pemmada, Athish Shetty, Suriya Nedunchezhian, Ganesh Bhat
5 May 2023
Immune-mediated herb-induced liver injury: a potential association with herbal artemisinin use as supported by the updated RUCAMAkash Mathavan, Akshay Mathavan, Urszula Krekora, Karen Daily
4 May 2023
Pneumomediastinum complicating diabetic ketoacidosisSiem Zethof, Carmen Borstlap, Michel Vroomans, Martijn Groenendijk
3 May 2023
Newly diagnosed hepatitis C infection after pancreas transplantation with multiple treatment failuresPhilipp Schulz, Ashley Wiginton, Amar Mahgoub
3 May 2023
Gastroparesis: an under-recognised manifestation of systemic amyloidosisKhaled M Abdullah, Anas Alsuraimi, Suaka Kagbo-Kue, Marcelo Vela
2 May 2023
Hypereosinophilic syndrome presenting with gastrointestinal manifestationsLouis Hinkle, Nisarg Gandhi, Ryan Neal, Victor Narcisse III
4 April 2023
Particularly severe form of refractory gastrointestinal involvement in systemic sclerosisAna Bento da Silva, Maria Helena Lourenço, Jaime Cunha-Branco, Maria João Gonçalves
4 April 2023
Rectal stenosis due to annular supralevator fistula-in-anoNicola Colucci, Guillaume Zufferey, Antonino Sgroi
3 April 2023