Rectal stenosis due to annular supralevator fistula-in-anoNicola Colucci, Guillaume Zufferey, Antonino Sgroi
3 April 2023
Bouveret syndrome: a rare complication of gallstone diseaseAkbar Karimi, Omar Ghandour, Christopher Wong
23 March 2023
Leuconostoc mesenteroides bacteremia in a patient with exposure to unpasteurised raw milkShanan Immel, Kyle Widmer
22 March 2023
Cyclosporine as an alternative immunosuppressant for steroid-resistant drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndromeKatrina Tan, Adam Testro
21 March 2023
Schwannoma of the colon: a rare submucosal neoplasmDivya Naresh, Ali Baqar, Afaq Khan
21 March 2023
An unexpected allergic skin reaction to peppermint oil capsulesGabrielle Sanders
14 March 2023
Pleural empyema secondary to perforated diverticulosis due to biliary neoplasia infiltrationMaria Teresa Dawid de Vera, Juan Daniel Prieto Cuadra, Dolores Domínguez Pinos, Isabel Hierro Martín
10 March 2023
Constipation in transverse myelitisJustine Chinnappan, Abinash Parajuli, Huda Marcus, Ghassan Bachuwa
6 March 2023
Paraganglioma arising from the liver and abutting the heartHussein Kharroubi, Tedy Sawma, Pierre Sfeir, Mohammad Khalife
3 March 2023
Dysphagia as a presentation of DISHCatarina Peliz Reigota, Cátia Barra, Filipe Vilão, Lèlita Santos
2 March 2023