Prolonged brachial plexus neuropathy: a rare complication following protracted endometriosis surgery in Lloyd-Davies positionAnna Katrina Hay, Anna McDougall, Peter Hinstridge, Sanjeev Rajakuldendran, Wai Yoong
29 November 2021
Integrating ultrasound with the combined spinal-epidural kit as a rescue technique during difficult spinal anaesthesiaPhil Stagg
12 November 2021
Paradoxical refractory hypotension following adrenaline administration in a patient taking clozapineAnand Alagappan, Rosaleen Baruah, Alastair Cockburn, Euan A Sandilands
1 November 2021
Use of extracorporeal blood purification therapy (ECBPT) as an adjuvant to high-dose corticosteroids in a severely ill COVID-19 patient with concomitant bacterial infectionMin Xian Lim, Kean Khang Fong, Tat Boon Yeap
13 October 2021
Combined use of a Total Control Introducer and a hyperangulated video laryngoscope to place a left-sided double lumen endotracheal tube in a patient with a history of difficult laryngoscopyJacob E Pollard, D Warner Smith, David E Morgan, John D Skaggs
8 October 2021
Atypical presentation of subdural block resulting in Horner’s syndrome and loss of consciousnessKatherine Jane Chua, Maureen Cernadas
24 September 2021
Bilateral endogenous endophthalmitis complicated by scleral perforation: an unusual presentationPrerna Sinha, Upasna Sinha, Amit Raj, Binod Kumar Pati
21 September 2021
Diagnosis and management of temporomandibular joint dysfunction before surgery: a case reportKen Tateno, Tsutomu Mieda, Katsushi Doi
20 September 2021
Restless arm syndrome: a rare disease?Ulrich Moser, Jasmin Schwab
20 September 2021
Pink urine as an inkling for a diagnostic dilemma: acute hepatic porphyriaSufyan Ibrahim, Aditi Rao, Revathi P Shenoy
13 September 2021