Anaesthetic management of a parturient patient with a malignant hyperthermia partnerRachael Dolan, Felicity Corcoran
8 April 2022
Continuous pericapsular nerve group (PENG) block through an elastomeric infusion system, associated with the lateral cutaneous nerve block of the thigh for total hip arthroplastyAmanda Oliveira da Costa, Guilherme Vazquez Izolani, Iorle Fabiano Monteiro de Souza, Bruno Vítor Martins Santiago
29 March 2022
Cooled radiofrequency ablation for pain related to Perthes’ disease: a novel applicationQiao Xin Tee, Mithun Nambiar, Gautam Mahendru, Parminder Singh
17 March 2022
Non-traumatic intrathoracic herniation of the caudate lobeMesut Mutluoglu, Frederique Van Robaeys, Stefaan Gryspeerdt, Kristof De Smet
9 March 2022
Ectopic bone formation causing chronic pubis symphysis pain: successful management with resection and pubic fusionNiki D Mofori, George D Chloros, Peter V Giannoudis
9 March 2022
Continuous epidural analgesia: an analgesic alternative in low back pain with disabling radiculopathyCarla Retroz-Marques, Sofia Silva Ramos, Jorge Aires, Acílio Marques
9 March 2022
Pretreatment with systemic corticosteroid can mask early symptoms of hypersensitivity reaction to hyaluronidase following peribulbar blockAshok Gupta, Bruttendu Moharana, Reeti Saini, Arjun Gupta
4 March 2022
Cerebrospinal fluid fistula after combined spinal-epidural blockAna Isabel Pereira, Diana Lastra Fernandes, Ana Amorim, Sara Nunes
3 March 2022
Diagnosis of posterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome through history and physical examinationTakashi Watari, Nami Yoshimura, Ashwin Gupta
2 March 2022
Standing position relieved the shoulder pain caused by subdiaphragmatic drain after laparoscopic surgeryYasuyuki Suzuki, Hideshi Yamamoto, Katsuko Nishida
2 March 2022