Kerion of the pubis and vulva with bacterial superinfection: a rare occurrenceAdi Saadia, Jensen Reckhow, Mati Rozenblat, Omer Last
28 August 2019
Tube-ovarian abscess caused by Rothia aeriaYusuke Taira, Yoichi Aoki
28 August 2019
Gonococcal orbital cellulitisInês Oliveira, Ana Mouzinho, José Gonçalo Marques
23 July 2019
HIV vasculopathy versus VZV vasculitis in an HIV patient with multiple brain ischaemic infarctsManuel F Granja, Andre Monteiro, Jason Day, Ricardo Hanel
16 July 2019
Unilateral leg weakness and pain secondary to metastatic anal squamous cell carcinomaTemitope Ajala-Agbo, Pok Tin Tang, Tsetsegdemberel Bat-Ulzii Davidson
15 July 2019
Urethral lithiasis after phalloplastyMário José Pereira-Lourenço, Miguel Eliseu, Paulo Temido, Arnaldo Figueiredo
12 July 2019
Massive angiomyofibroblastoma of the glans penisSherif Monib, Mohamed Ibrahim
4 June 2019
Paraneoplastic erythroderma: unusual presentation secondary to diffuse large B cell lymphomaPuo Nen Lim, Christopher P Fox, Manjula Pammi, Anand Patel
30 May 2019
Secondary syphilis resembling erythema annulare centrifugumSiham Mansouri, Sara Mai, Karima Senouci, Badr Hassam
29 May 2019
An underestimated sexually transmitted infection: amoebiasisAnne Claire Billet, Arnaud Salmon Rousseau, Lionel Piroth, Capucine Martins
10 May 2019