Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis presenting as complete lung collapse with respiratory failureMuthuraman Palaniappan, Irfan Ismail Ayub, Santhosh Joseph, Dhanasekar Thangaswamy
24 July 2023
Hot lung sign in intravascular lymphomaYasuhiro Kano, Haruka Okada, Kengo Murata
21 July 2023
Cystic Pneumocystis pneumoniaNeha Sharma, Ratul Seal, Devarakonda Uday Teja, Ashok Kumar Pannu
21 July 2023
Unusual manifestation of pulmonary Verruconis gallopava infection with synchronous reactive pericardial effusion in a non-transplanted patientNapat Jirawat, Nophol Leelayuwatanakul
20 July 2023
Congenital CMV associated with diaphragm dysfunction: a rare cause of tachypnoeaRebecca Carter, Maayan Yakir, Julie Ryu, Katherine Weiss
19 July 2023
Vape-associated lung injury in immediate postoperative period: an upcoming perioperative respiratory risk factorManish Gaba, Naveen Kumar, Praveen Arumugam, Arun Dewan
11 July 2023
Rare and unexpected cause for retropharyngeal abscess in an immunocompetent man: metastatic community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infectionVenkat Ramesh, Sri Ramya Ganti, Santosh Gattu, Ratnamani Sharma
20 June 2023
Anti-synthetase syndrome masquerading as recurrent pneumoniaKa U Lio, Si Li
5 June 2023
Transudative chylothorax and frailty: a diagnostic and therapeutic challengeLiz Robinson, Sze Ooi, Ben Prudon
23 May 2023
Sarcoidosis of the lacrimal gland: the prominence of the differential diagnosisGuido Gabriele, Flavia Cascino, Linda Latini, Paolo Gennaro
23 May 2023