Unexpected presentation of acute porphyriaChiun Khang Kiew, Adeline Serena Ee Ling Lam
29 June 2021
Digital delivery of non-pharmacological intervention programmes for people living with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemicZara Quail, Laura Bolton, Karina Massey
17 June 2021
Extreme bradycardia as presentation of an eating disorderElizabeth Anderson, Julian Gunn
9 June 2021
Lithium-induced ECG modifications: navigating from acute coronary syndrome to Brugada syndromeLéonard Diserens, Alessandra Pia Porretta, Catalina Trana, David Meier
9 June 2021
Rare case of diabetic neuropathic cachexia along with diabetic amyotrophyZahid Ullah Khan, Nasrullah Ghuman, KaHinKaren Mak
31 May 2021
Status epilepticus secondary to hyperammonaemia: a late presentation of an undiagnosed urea cycle defectPenelope Beddoes, Gabriela Nerone, Charlotte Tai
31 May 2021
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a treatment option for tinnitus in profound hearing lossHarini Vasudevan, Hari Prakash Palaniswamy, Samir Kumar Praharaj
27 May 2021
Nicotinic ganglionic acetylcholine receptor autoantibodies associated with paraneoplastic disease in a neuropsychiatric patientCatherine Stauffer, Daniel A Llano, Suzanna Kitten
27 May 2021
Deodorant aerosol spray can in the rectum: a potential fire hazard during surgerySivaraman Kumarasamy, Lileswar Kaman, Azhar Ansari, Amarjyoti Hazarika
24 May 2021
From the ground up: recognising risk of frailty syndromes and functional decline through foot examinationKirstyn James, Christian Baglini, Andrea Wershof Schwartz
24 May 2021