Saksenaea mucormycosis: a rare and dangerous cause of necrotising fasciitisBlake Anthony Sykes, Hans Krause, Michael Lamparelli, David Austin
6 March 2023
Primary angiosarcoma of the breast in an early adolescent femaleChanyang Lee, Nathalie Falkner, Roshanak Kamyab, Ran Li
1 March 2023
Isolated thyroid abscess in early childhoodLekhya Venkataraman, Prasanna Kumar Saravanam, Sathish Kumar Jayagandhi, Pradeep Dhanapal
21 February 2023
Fibrillary glomerulonephritis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus with no evidence of lupus nephritisMatthew Carl Whelband, Tom Willingham, Sathiamalar Thirunavukkarasu, Jean Patrick
21 February 2023
Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast with late recurrence and high-grade transformationGowtham Vasudevan, Ann Mary John, Vijaykumar D K, Archana George Vallonthaiel
9 February 2023
Cutaneous nodules and hepatosplenic lesions caused by bacillary angiomatosis in a patient with AIDSKaycee Nguyen, Agnes Kim, Jacqueline McKesey, Cristina Thomas
9 February 2023
PET-positive suture granuloma of abdominal wall 56 years post-appendicectomy mimicking recurrence of lymphomaAubrey Gaylard, Xin Yi Goai, Alexandra Du Guesclin, Russell Hodgson
7 February 2023
Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia type II in a teenager presenting with severe anaemiaChristopher Jude Pinto, Mohith H Narayanaswamy, Ameet Vasantrao Khatawkar, Jana Poornima
7 February 2023
Extrarenal rhabdoid tumour of axillary soft tissue: a diagnostic challenge resolved by immunohistochemistryArchana Chirag Buch, Gayatri Bhuibhar, Mangesh Londhe, Sargam Dhaliwal, Sushama Gurwale
31 January 2023
KRAS G12D mutation in Brunner gland adenomaMahatma Ortega, Jessica Sparks, Jack Lichy, Victor E Nava
27 January 2023