Synchronous multicentric giant cell tumour of immature skeleton with epiphysiometaphyseal originSandeep Kumar Yadav, Prabodh Kantiwal, Rajesh Kumar Rajnish, Ashish Garg, Divya Aggarwal
20 February 2023
Combination-type periprosthetic tibial fracture: Felix type (II+IV)ASatvik N Pai, Mohan M Kumar
7 February 2023
Osteochondral impression fracture of the patella after sports collision injuryMaud AM Vesseur, Johanna CM van Haasteren, Freek U Verstraelen, Bert Boonen
2 February 2023
Myofibroma mimicking peripheral nerve sheath tumour with ulnar nerve compression symptomsHarvey Chim, Gayle Suk Wiesemann, Elham Nasri
2 February 2023
Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma in the pelvis successfully treated with proton beam radiotherapyYosuke Honda, Hirohisa Katagiri, Tsuyoshi Onoe, Takeshi Aramaki
31 January 2023
Chronic abductor lesion after total hip arthroplasty in a sitting proud stem: direct repair by osteotomy of the greater trochanterLeonardo Tassinari, Giuseppe Geraci, Alberto Di Martino, Cesare Faldini
12 January 2023
Elbow luxation in a patient with congenital dislocation of the radial headNicole J van Groningen, Saskia Bontemps, Ben G Schmidt
3 January 2023
Isolated fracture–dislocation of the talonavicularRuben Hattingh, Madalena Nina Rente, Omar Hadidi, Thomas Bayer
30 December 2022
Spontaneous and simultaneous rupture of both Achilles tendons in a haemodialysis patientKarim Masmoudi, Maher Khlifi, Kaouther Jameli, Hatem Jellali
22 December 2022
Atypical APC-1 pelvic fracture presenting with pelvic instability: successful management with pubic symphysis fusionSophia M Wakefield, Vasileios Giannoudis, Matteo Messori, Peter V Giannoudis
22 December 2022