Epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour of the ulnar nerve around the elbow: a diagnostic and therapeutic challengeAshwath M Acharya, Anil K Bhat, Mithun Pai G, Ekanki Bansal
24 November 2023
Partial hippocampal avoidance whole brain radiotherapy in a patient with metastatic infiltration of the left hippocampusSandra Leskinen, Harshal A. Shah, Randy S. D' Amico, A. Gabriella Wernicke
23 November 2023
Hodgkin lymphoma associated vanishing bile duct syndrome treated successfully with a brentuximab based regimenJudah D Morgan, Robert C Weishar, Ryan M Kwok, Kenneth M Lieuw
21 November 2023
Primary anorectal amelanotic melanoma with liver, lungs and lymph nodal metastasesJames R Marak, Gaurav Raj, Shivam Dwivedi, Ariba Zaidi
17 November 2023
Thoracic splenosis: an important consideration in oncology patientsKatherine Julian, Monali Vasekar
8 November 2023
Sacral ependymoma presents 20 years after initial posterior fossa lesionLynden Guy Nicely, Mark Baxter, Sourav Banerjee, Hannah Lord
19 October 2023
Rare posterior fossa EWSR1-PATZ1 gene fusion glioneuronal tumour-mimicking ependymoma in an adolescent successfully treated with surgery aloneNikhil Kumar, Denise Malicki, Michael Levy, John Ross Crawford
4 October 2023
Refractory pembrolizumab immunotherapy-related colitis requiring biological therapy in an inactive HBcAb carrierNidaa Rasheed, Rajan Anand, Mark Maddox, Candice Reyes
26 September 2023
Aortic sarcoma: a challenging diagnosisThi Huong Giang Bui, Ngoc Son Do, The Thach Pham, Duc Trieu Ho
20 September 2023
Coronary artery bypass grafting for triple vessel disease in cardiac amyloidosisIndira Acharya, John J Liang, Christopher J Haas
12 September 2023