Complications following dental treatment in a child with haemophilia A: lessons to be learntRebecca Paul, Christina George, Ajit Chandrasekhar, Rabin Chacko
13 April 2023
Examining the differential of digital ischaemia and review of paraneoplastic ischaemiaLauran Zeineddine, Diana Gomez-Manjarres
13 April 2023
Hypereosinophilic syndrome presenting with gastrointestinal manifestationsLouis Hinkle, Nisarg Gandhi, Ryan Neal, Victor Narcisse III
4 April 2023
Homozygous mild beta-thalassaemia promoter transversion −71 C>T HBB:c.-121 C>TSuha Mustafa Hassan, Abdulhakim Alrawas, Laila Al Khanbashi, Yasser Wali
4 April 2023
Reversible blindness with macrophage activation syndrome: an unusual presentation of secondary antiphospholipid syndromeDebroop Sengupta, Kamal Poddar, Upamanyu Bag, Sandip Ghosh
4 April 2023
Orbital bone infarction masquerading as preseptal cellulitis in a child with sickle beta-thalassaemiaFurat Alrajhi, Hanan Jamjoom, Suzan Alharbi, Amir Alrajhi
29 March 2023
Venous thromboembolism with renal infarct due to paradoxical embolismNishant Aggarwal, Dana Rector, Nicholas Lazar, Florian Bukovec
28 March 2023
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma associated with chronic inflammation in a patient with aneurysmal thrombus of the abdominal aortaLucile Perrin, Laure Gibault, Ismael Boussaid, Rudy Birsen
24 March 2023
Lumbar radiculopathy secondary to primary spinal dural diffuse large B-cell lymphomaChristopher Alan Brooks, John David Kehoe, Neal Kerr, Fouzia Ziad, Sami Raunio
21 March 2023
Methaemalbumin: a diagnostic surrogate for methaemoglobinaemia and treatment with red cell exchange in a patient with thalassaemiaZofia Prus-Czarnecka, Anna Fuezery, Tom Noga, Vincent Issac Lau
7 March 2023