Complications following dental treatment in a child with haemophilia A: lessons to be learntRebecca Paul, Christina George, Ajit Chandrasekhar, Rabin Chacko
13 April 2023
Management of infected radicular cyst associated with immature maxillary permanent lateral incisor: a conservative surgical approachDipika Yadav, Rajeev Kumar Singh, Aravindhan Arumugam, Jyoti Solanki
11 April 2023
Unusual presentation of a cyst associated with a morphologically altered supernumerary tooth in the anterior maxillaAravind Meena Shanmughan, Rhea Susan Verghese, Priya K Nair, Renju Jose
6 March 2023
Splenic abscess caused by Cutibacterium acnes in a patient with multiple tooth extractionsMadalyn Walsh, Nicholas Wasko, Andrew Joseph Simms, Jacob Hodges
25 January 2023
Impact of Tourette’s syndrome tics on healing following dental traumaRakhee Budhdeo, Marielle Kabban, Mina Vaidyanathan
25 January 2023
Prosthetic challenges in rehabilitating maxillomandibular trauma case: a multidisciplinary approachAditi Verma, Lakshya Kumar, Veerendra Prasad, Akanksha Yadav
25 January 2023
Multifocal amelanotic and melanotic melanomas of the oral cavityOle Kristian Lobekk, Sindre Hesjedal Molvær, Anne Christine Johannessen, Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen
10 January 2023
Unusual presentation of non-inflamed glandular odontogenic cyst presenting with cholesterol cleftsManish Juneja, Jiji George
6 January 2023
Oral soft-tissue myxomaKeerti Chauhan, Bhari Sharanesha Manjunatha, Monica Mehendiratta, Manisha Lakhanpal
4 January 2023
Cryosurgery of multiple haemangiomas of oral cavityPavithran Ashokkumar, Pearlcid Siroraj, Giri Govindarajan Valanthan Veda, Bala Kiran Vegesana Krishnakumar Raja
29 December 2022